Notch signaling pathway
PAG Title | Notch signaling pathway |
PAG ID | WAG000616 |
Type | P |
Source Link | KEGG |
Publication Reference | NA |
PAG Description | The Notch sigling pathway is an evolutiorily conserved, intercellular sigling mechanism essential for proper embryonic development in all metazoan organisms in the Animal kingdom. The Notch proteins (Notch1-Notch4 in vertebrates) are single-pass receptors that are activated by the Delta (or Delta-like) and Jagged/Serrate families of membrane-bound ligands. They are transported to the plasma membrane as cleaved, but otherwise intact polypeptides. Interaction with ligand leads to two additiol proteolytic cleavages that liberate the Notch intracellular domain (NICD) from the plasma membrane. The NICD translocates to the nucleus, where it forms a complex with the D binding protein CSL, displacing a histone deacetylase (HDAc)-co-repressor (CoR) complex from CSL. Components of an activation complex, such as MAML1 and histone acetyltransferases (HATs), are recruited to the NICD-CSL complex, leading to the transcriptiol activation of Notch target genes. |
Species | Homo sapiens |
Quality Metric Scores | nCoCo Score: 2,009 |
Information Content | Rich |
Other IDs | hsa04330 |
Base PAG ID | WAG000616 |
Human Phenotyte Annotation | |
Curator | PAGER curation team |
Curator Contact | |
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